Active Shooter Response Training (ASRT)

Active Shooter Response Training (ASRT) Program

Active shooter response training is available for a variety of organizations and is designed to provide attendee’s with the knowledge and skills necessary to effectively respond to active shooter incident.


O’Gara Training and Services partner with primary and secondary schools to support every school’s obligation to provide the safest possible learning environment. O’Gara understands the appropriate standard of care that must be used in order to properly educate the youngest of students to the most senior faculty member to create a safe environment for all.

Higher Education

O’Gara training for students and professors supports safety and limits liability at universities across the country. Since active shooter incidents are possible anywhere on a college campus, O’Gara’s tailored training programs provide optimal solutions for school security and effective preparedness to protect the entire school population.

Training Program Includes:

  • Training Needs Assessment

  • Emergency Action Plan

  • Threat, Risk, Vulnerability, Assessment

  • Active Shooter Training

    1. Student Training (online)
    2. Faculty and Staff Training (PowerPoint and scenario based)
    3. Cumulative Exercise (Role Players, Students, Faculty, First Responders)
  • Crisis Mitigation

Hostile Environment Awareness Training (HEAT)

Hostile Environment Awareness Training (HEAT)

NGOs often work in complex and dangerous environments. Organizations must prepare their workers to operate safely and react appropriately to incidents. Multi-day, in-residence programs with realistic exercises ensures that when an incident occurs, they’ll be ready.

Study Abroad Safety (SAS)

Study Abroad Safety

For Students, high-risk locations are no longer the only places for concern. Being prepared, remaining vigilant, and reacting properly to crisis are critical skills. This course delivers in-depth safety and security information that includes: travel documentation, air travel, public spaces, hotels, street activity, natural disaster, and response to incidents.

Training Includes:

  • Before you depart Preparation

  • Financial Safety

  • Personal Safety

Personal Safety and Security

Personal Safety and Security Training

Unfamiliar settings present higher risks for travelers. This course covers safety and security methods during international travel and work in low to medium risk environments. This interactive classroom program is available to organizations or through open enrollment.

Training Includes:

  • Travel Risk Management

  • Accommodation Safety

  • Transportation Safety